17 March 2021

Singapore’s Global Investor Program (“GIP”) Scheme 新加坡全球商业投资者计划 (简称“GIP”)

An investor interested in starting up a business or investing in Singapore may apply for Permanent Resident (“PR”) status through the GIP Scheme. The GIP accords PR Status to investors with substantial business track records and successful entrepreneurial backgrounds who intend to drive their business and investment growth from Singapore. The government agency that administers the GIP is Contact Singapore.


This article sets out the following information on the GIP scheme:

  1. Eligibility to apply for GIP
  2. Assessment Criteria
  3. Other ancillary information


  1. GIP的申请资格
  2. 评估标准
  3. 其他辅助信息

Section 1: Eligibility to apply for GIP GIP的申请资格)

An investor (“Applicant”) will be eligible to apply for the GIP if he falls within one of the following investor profiles. Applicants who fall within one of the following investor profiles, can choose from three investment options (see Section 1.2 – i.e. Option A, Option B, and Option C) in Singapore to qualify.


1.1 Investor Profile (投资者类别)

To qualify for the GIP, your profile as an investor must fall within the following investor profiles:


Investor Profile
Eligibility criteria
Investment Option
Established Business Owners
  1. You must possess at least 3 years of entrepreneurial and business track record;申请人必须拥有至少三年的创业、经商经历;
  2. You should currently be running a company [1] with an annual turnover of at least S$200 million in the year immediately preceding your application, and at least S$200 million per annum on average for the three years immediately preceding your application;申请人目前必须经营一家公司,该公司在申请人提出申请的最近一年必须达到至少两亿新元的营业额,并在申请人提出申请的最近三年内平均达到每年至少两亿新元的营业额;
  3. If your company is privately-held[2], you should have at least 30% shareholding in the company; and若有关公司属于私人所有性质,那么申请人应持有该公司至少30%的股份;以及
  4. Your company must be engaged in one or more of the industries listed in the Schedule of this Memo.有关公司必须涉足附录所列的一个或多个行业。
Option A, or B or C
Next Generation Business Owner
  1. Your immediate family should have at least 30% shareholding or is the largest shareholder in the company you use to qualify;申请人的直系亲属应持有申请人申报本计划所使用的公司至少30%的股份,或是最大股东;
  2. This company’s annual turnover must be at least S$500 million in the year immediately preceding your application, and at least S$500 million per annum on average for the three years immediately preceding your application有关公司于申请人提出申请的最近一年必须达到至少五亿新元的营业额,并于申请人提出申请的最近三年内平均达到每年至少五亿新元的营业额;
  3. You must be part of the management team of the company (e.g. C-suite / Board of Directors); and申请人必须是该公司管理团队的一份子(例如高级管理人员或董事会成员);以及
  4. Your company must be engaged in one or more of the industries listed in the Schedule of this Memo.有关公司必须涉足附录所列的一个或多个行业。
Option A, or B or C
Founders of Fast Growth Companies
  1. You must be a founder and one of the largest individual shareholders of a company with a valuation of at least S$500 million;申请人必须是一家估值不少于五亿新元的公司的创始人及最大个人股东之一;
  2. Your company must be invested into by reputable Venture Capital / Private Equity firms; and有关公司必须由信誉良好的风险投资/私募股权公司投资;以及
  3. Your company must be engaged in one or more of the industries listed in the Schedule of this Memo.有关公司必须涉足附录所列的一个或多个行业。
Option A, or B or C
Family Office Principals
  1. You must possess at least 5 years of entrepreneurial, investment or management track record; and申请人必须拥有至少五年的创业、投资或管理经验;以及
  2. You must have Net Investible Assets[3] of at least S$200 million.申请人必须拥有至少两亿新元的可投资的资产净额。
Option C


1.2 Investment Options (投资方案)

Provided that the Applicant successfully qualifies under one of the above “investor profiles”, the Applicant may choose either of the following investment options under the GIP:


Option A (方案A:Invest not less than S$2.5 million in a new business entity or in the expansion of an existing business operation;


Option B (方案B):Invest not less than S$2.5 million in a GIP fund[4] (i.e. Jungle Leaders I Pte. Ltd. and Phillip Ventures Enterprise Fund 6 Ltd.) that invests in Singapore-based companies; or

投资不少于250万新元于主要投资新加坡企业的全球商业投资者计划基金(即Jungle Leaders I Pte Ltd 及辉立企业创业基金6有限公司);或

Option C (方案C):Invest not less than S$2.5 million in a new or existing Singapore-based single Family Office (“FO”) having Assets-Under-Management (“AUM”)[5] of at least S$200 million.



Section 2: Assessment criteria for investment options (投资方案的评估标准)

Where an Applicant meets the above Section 1.1 – investor profiles and Section 1.2 investment options, the Applicant will be eligible to apply under the GIP. The Applicant’s investment option will be assessed based on information submitted in their application and as shared during their GIP interview. Depending on the investment option, Applicants will be assessed on the following:-

若申请人符合上述第1.1节 – 投资者类别及第1.2节 – 投资方案列出的标准,该申请人将有资格提交GIP申请。申请人的投资方案将根据其申请中提交的信息及其面试中共享的信息被进行评估。申请人将根据其选择的投资方案被进行评估,具体如下:

Investment option
Assessment criteria
Option A


  1. Applicants must submit a detailed 5-year business or investment plan with projected employment, expenditure and financial projections that will incur in the Option A company. The business plan will be assessed based on its feasibility, the Applicant’s role in growing the Option A company, the business activities and the creation of local jobs; an申请人必须提交一份详细的五年业务或投资计划,其中包括方案A公司的预计就业情况、支出及财务预测。该业务计划将根据其可行性、申请人在该方案A公司的发展中起的作用、业务活动及其创造的本地就业机会等被进行具体评估;并且
  2. The Applicant should also have at least 30% shareholding in the Option A company and must be part of the management team of the company (e.g. C-suite / Board of Directors); and申请人必须持有该方案A公司中至少30%的股份,也必须是该方案A公司管理团队的一份子(例如高级管理人员或董事会);以及
  3. The Option A company must be engaged in one or more of the industries listed in the Schedule of this Memo该方案A公司必须涉足附录所列的一个或多个行业。
Option B


  1. Applicants who apply for Option B will be assessed based on their future business or investment plans in Singapore. This may include specific details on proposed business activities, amount of investment, creation of local jobs, etc.申请方案B的申请人将根据其在新加坡的未来业务或投资计划被进行评估。具体评估细节会包括与拟议业务活动、投资额、创造本地就业机会等事项相关的详细信息。
Option C


  1. Applicants must submit a detailed 5-year business plan with projected employment and annual financial projections. The business plan will be assessed based on the Applicant’s role in his single family office, the functions of his family office, his proposed investment sectors, asset types and geographical focus.申请人必须提交一份详细的五年业务计划,其中包括预计创造本地就业情况及年度财务预测。具体业务计划将根据申请人于其单一家族办公室的职责、该家族办公室的职能、拟议的投资行业、资产类别及重点区域被进行评估。


Section 3: Other ancillary information(其他辅助信息)

Other key points to note under the GIP Scheme:


3.1 Applicant’s spouse and unmarried children below 21 years old as at the date of application submission are eligible to be included as dependents under the Applicant’s GIP application. Male dependents will be liable for National Service.


3.2 Applicant’s parents and unmarried children who are 21 years old and above are not eligible to be included in the Applicant’s GIP application as dependents. However, they can apply for a Long Term Visit Pass (“LTVP”) which is tied to the validity of the Applicant’s REP.

申请人的父母及年满二十一岁以上的未婚子女不能在申请中被列为附属申请人。然而, 这些人可以申请长期探访证(LTVP),其有效期与申请人的再入境许可证(REP)的有效期挂钩。

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to reach out to Yap Lian Seng, Dr Qiu Yang or any director of ZICO Insights Law LLC.


 This alert is for general information only and is not a substitute for legal advice.


[1] An Applicant is allowed to consolidate up to two of his businesses, all of which must only be engaged in one or more of the industries listed in the Schedule of this Memo, to meet the minimum turnover criteria.


[2] If your company is publicly listed, you must be one of the largest individual shareholders.


[3] Net Investible Assets include all financial assets, such as bank deposits, capital market products, collective investment schemes, premiums paid in respect of life insurance policies and other investment products, excluding real estate.


[4] A list of GIP funds is available on EDB’s website at https://www.edb.gov.sg/en/how-we-help/global-investor-programme-funds.html.


[5] Offshore assets can be qualified as part of the AUM requirement, provided at least S$50 million investible AUM has been transferred into and held in Singapore.



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